
Ornate door


作为跨学科分享和讨论原创作品的论坛, 大学生研究与创意表达研讨会(来源) 在结构化的课堂环境之外,为教师和学生提供参与的机会,让学生与同龄人分享他们的创造性工作和研究, faculty, university administration and guests.

全天的活动包括两种形式的学生报告:口头报告和海报报告. All presentations will be given in person. 要被考虑参加活动,学生必须有一个赞助教员,并且 submit an abstract (up to 250 words). 我们通过接受英文或西班牙文的摘要来尊重SEU的HSI地位. 报告将以提交摘要的语言进行. 会议将为所有与会者提供欧陆式早餐和午餐.


  • An abstract: (in English or Spanish): Instructions for writing 250-word abstracts are available here. The rubric for evaluating the abstracts is found here.
  • A faculty mentor to approve your application: 与教师导师合作,指导和批准你的抽象和选择海报或口头报告. After that, 完成申请表格,并在表格中添加您的教员姓名和电子邮件地址.
  • A plan for how you'd like to present your work: Choose a presentation style that suits your project, either a poster presentation or oral presentation.

下一个SOURCE摘要提交表格的提交链接将在晚些时候上传. You will (1) enter your abstract, (2) provide the name of your mentor, and (3) choose your presentation style preference. 

注意:小组项目只能由一个小组成员提交一次. 请在摘要中注明你是代表一个小组提交的. 

你是否有一个让你引以为傲的本科研究或创意项目,想要在SOURCE与学校分享? Here's how to submit your work for consideration. 

下面的链接将带您进入一个表格,该表格将要求您添加您的作品描述(摘要), the name of your faculty mentor, 你想做什么样的演讲(口头还是海报).


  • Need help with writing and editing? Make an appointment with the Writing Center.    
  • Check out the SOURCE abstract evaluation rubric.                  
  • Visit the Munday Library’s website for searching, saving, and citing your sources.
  • Attend the Abstract Writing Workshop on February 01, 2024年下午3时至4时,星期一图书馆(141室)
  • Review the prior poster presentation workshop.
  • Attend the oral presentation workshop on April 10th from 3:30-4:30 LIBR 141. 

Preparing Your Presentation:

  • 向你的指导老师咨询关于制作口头或海报演示以及处理相关后勤的建议.g., poster printing)
  • Posters should be printed as size 36x48. 请注意,演讲者负责印刷和支付自己的海报. SOURCE将提供泡沫板(尺寸符合上述海报尺寸)和用于海报展示的三脚架.
  • 进行口头报告的学生将有最多15分钟的陈述时间和5分钟的提问时间(每个时间段共20分钟)。
  • Students should prepare a visual aid, 通常是用PowerPoint或谷歌幻灯片制作的幻灯片
  • 学生将收到来自SOURCE委员会的额外电子邮件,其中包含指导和日程安排细节. All presentations will be in person.

Faculty Members, 

你有没有学生在你的学术或创意课程中表现突出? 鼓励他们提交250字的项目摘要. 你所要做的就是同意担任学生的赞助导师. 学生们会把你的名字写在他们的提交表格上, and you'll receive a convenient email confirmation. You may also choose to help your student:

作为SOURCE导师是为大学服务的一种有意义的方式, your students, and your discipline. 我们也鼓励您邀请您所有的学生参加. 口头报告和海报会议对东南大学社区开放. Even if they aren't presenting  at the event, 参加活动可以让学生体验到知识的制造和分享以及创造性的表达. The SOURCE committee 是否会用感谢信正式表彰所有的教师导师.

SOURCE Steering Committee

Georgia Seminet(语言、文学和文化)
SOURCE co-Chair
Ryan Michaels (Computer Science)
SOURCE co-Chair
克里斯托弗·弗林(文学、写作和修辞)SOURCE Committee member
Nic Cabage (Criminal Justice)SOURCE Committee member
Brittney Johnson (Library Instruction)SOURCE Committee member
Dustin Joubert (Kinesiology)SOURCE Committee member
Tuan Phan (Graphic Design)SOURCE Committee member
Elijah Wostl (Biological Sciences)SOURCE Committee member
Nathan Garcia (Religious Studies)SOURCE Committee member

From the Faculty Manual: The Faculty Collegium rev. May 2023


Steering Committee

SOURCE指导委员会每年由整个大学的教师组成,他们自愿担任各种职务. 委员会由两位联合主席领导,任期两年,任期交错. 每年,持续的联合主席选出一位新的联合主席.

SOURCE指导委员会组织并支持一年一度的本科生研讨会,旨在表彰研究和创造性表达方面的成就. 作为跨学科分享和讨论原创作品的论坛, SOURCE为师生在结构化的课堂环境之外的互动提供了机会.